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Кристоф Гилберт - гений фотоколлажа / Christophe Gilbert

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Фотохудожник Кристоф Гилберт (Christophe Gilbert) начинал свою карьеру ассистентом фотографа и специализировался, в основном, на автомобильной тематике. Сегодня Кристоф Гилберт является одним из лучших и талантливых рекламных фотохудожников. Креативные работы бельгийского мастера можно обнаружить в рекламных компаниях многих брендов. Он сотрудничает с такими компаниями, как Mercedes, Toyota, Levi's, Playstation, LG Electronics, Ogilvy и др. Работы Кристофа известны и популярны, но о самом мастере объектива мало что известно. Даже, зайдя на его официальный сайт, вы мало что узнаете о нем, но его снимки, возможно, смогут приоткрыть завесу таинственности. Ведь в свои произведения каждый мастер вкладывает частицу своей души.

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Here is what the photographers writes about himself:

You might say I’m a self-made photographer, but the truth is I studied, on the heap , by working as assistant for a well known car photographer, in the early 80’s. Cars reflect everything that surrounds, as many incidences to be managed to find out how light can bring a piece of metal to life. Not the worst school. But I soon realized that photography had not that much to do with techniques. It looked to me quite more simple: all you really needed was an eye, preferably related to a brain.

Once framed, anything could make an interesting picture. I turned to advertising photography nearly from the start, leading me to understand something else: it wasn’t about what you see and even how you see things anymore, but about how you wanted things to be seen. Pictures with a goal. There I signed ! But I rarely translate a concept strictly as it has been drafted. I would feel useless. I try to capture the idea, then look for the best way to improve it into an image. Concepts are my food. And I’ve got a quite fragile stomach!

When you think alike together with an art director, you realize how much further it can go.With a weak idea, the best you can do is a very nice picture. It happens. But on the other hand, a true idea can always be transcent by its formalization.

What you have to be able to is to get the whole picture in your head before starting to work. From there it’s easy, you just have to put the pieces together to get it the way you’ve seen it. Wrong. Here is where it really starts, You percieve other opportunities. And you can’t resist to experiment new ways. You’ll often opt for a totally different one. You’re an eternal beginner. Retarded ? That’s what you’re paid for ! To re-invent your fucking job every time. That’s probably why you can spend an entire life doing it without being bored. Moreover, if you’re unluky, like me, being a detail-maniac freak, as you’re one of those who truly believe that small details can make a huge difference, you’ll probably need a few more lifes to imagine reaching a pretence of satisfaction! I confess digital age helped me a lot, but there will always be problems to be resolved. Call my assistant.

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Обновлено: 16.05.2013 - 16:14

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